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Thursday, September 28, 2006

just eat it..

Just returned from my trip to the Capital. It was panda's sister's wedding. my first experience of a full fledged northie wedding. and i must say it was brilliant. ghee.. errr. i mean gee!! thats what it was all about. the amount we were fed has reached new gastronomic widths.
Few things i noticed :

  • south and north india are two worlds apart
  • north indians earn all their lives to spend on a wedding (it is a good thing for people like me)
  • everybody eat everything only with a block of butter or a pot full of ghee.
  • number of two-wheelers in bangalore + pune = 1/2*(number of cars per house in delhi)
  • all cars in delhi must have a dent as an indication to the fact that people can just buy another instead of getting the old car repaired
  • the people are really nice, even the auto rickshaw drivers (i come from bangalore you see)
  • carry a big iodex bottle with you before going bird watching in delhi as turning your neck in 1923874 different directions in 0.152 nanoseconds will need some doing
  • infrastructure in delhi is just really unlike any i've personally come across
  • i can dance and am not as bad as i thought i would be

i'll add more whenever i can think of them

capital deserving , that is delhi
rivers of ghee, that is delhi
birds of beauty, that is delhi
north indian wedding?? please call me...

1 comment:

Twelve years and eleven said...

If you are a PG Wodehouse enthusiast i take it that when you say birds it does not actually mean that.